A knight in shining armour is a man who has never had his mettle truly tested

Mr Lenny Cranny



2nd Degree Black Belt
Wilkes Martial Arts and Fitness Academy

1st Degree Black Belt
Muay Thai Kickboxing

  • Martial Arts Instructor Training Certificate Level 3
    Conducted by Kyoshi Sean Allen

  • Senior First Aid and CPR
  • Working with Children Check
  • Training in Thailand numerous times
    Best time was for 4 weeks at Sinbi

  • Winning an All Style tournament Open Class BJJ Competition – 2007.gs.

What got me interested in Martial Arts originally was not exactly what you would expect. I was just lazing around the house at age sixteen looking for something to do, I remember being bored out of my skull and probably had too much time on my hands. I picked up a sports magazine that my mother had laying around the house, killing some time before putting a bullet through a Brute in Halo – BOOM, HEADSHOT!

Flicking through the pages of that magazine I found a small article on Muay Thai. When I found the article I had just finished the latest, at that time, story arc of a comic book called History’s Strongest Disciple Kenichi about Martial Arts and a teenager that studied them for various reasons, won’t say too much here as it would give away the story (check it out though, it’s awesome). Muay Thai featured quite prominently in the most recent story arc of the comic so I figured I may as well give the article a quick read through, what can I say I’m a bit of a geek and proud of it! I hadn’t even made it more than half a paragraph in and I was hooked, suddenly head-shooting a Brute had taken a back seat to learning everything the article could tell me about the Martial Art some called The Science of Eight Limbs.

I may have been lazing around the house before but as soon as I finished reading that article I knew, this was it, this is what I wanted to do.

Less than five minutes after finishing that article I was on my computer trying to find the nearest Muay Thai gym to me. What I found was Wilkes Academy, I was more than a bit hesitant at first as it wasn’t pure Muay Thai like I had originally wanted and to be honest I was a little intimidated by all the different Marital Arts styles that the system incorporated but I decided to give it a go none the less.

After one lesson I was hooked. The fact that all of the instructors were nice friendly people was just a bonus to me.

Now, more than five years into my training and I still love it. I was even able to go to Thailand and study Muay Thai at a more in-depth level than I was ever able to before. Helping me find things that I need to work on in order to perfect, it’s a rather long list.

Well that’s all from me, my name is Lenny and please let me be the first to welcome you to Wilkes Martial Arts and Fitness Academy.